Convert a color from Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSV, or name to any other format
Red | 49% |
Green | 47% |
Blue | 81% |
Enter color value in any format (name, hex, RGB, HSL) or click the color box to select a color
rgb(232, 97, 70)
hsv(10, 70%, 91%)
hsl(10, 78%, 59%)
White Text
Black Text
Use the input field to enter a color value. We support all color forms: hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSV, and via color name (eg. gray).
Alternatively, click on the color box to open the color picker, and find a color that you like there!
Once selected, we'll show you all of the various forms of that color below, including a space to see how it looks with text on top.
RGB - A 3-dimensional color model of red, green, and blue that are mixed together to produce a specific color. RGB color values can range from 0-255, or can be entered as a percentage. Example: rgb(20, 150, 255)
RGBA - It is the same schema as RGB, but allows for a fourth parameter, opacity, with a value between 0-1. Example: rgba(20, 150, 22, .1)
Hex - Hex colors follow the same color model as RGB, simply translating the RGBA values to a hexadecimal. Hex value go from 0-9, and then continue from A-F. We can see this more clearly by looking at each major step: 00->0, 99->153, AA->170, FF->255. Hex values are most commonly seen in the form RRGGBB
, but can also have the alpha (opacity) parameter appended to the end as in RRGGBBAA
. So, for example, a nice steel blue would be #7F98CC
, and if you wanted to set a 50% opacity on it, it would be #7f98cc80
HSV - A cylindrical color model with paramters for hue, saturation, and value. Example: hsv(210, 4%, 97%)
HSL - Another cylindrical color, with the same hue and saturation dimensions, and the last parameter of lightness, which determines the lumosity of the color, from 0% (black), 50% (purest color), to 100% (white). It's similar to HSV, but the overall scale is a bit different. Example: hsl(210, 38%, 95%)
This project was made with some wonderful resources from around the web:
Color Converter
Convert color from any format to Hex, RGB, HSL, HSV, and more
Color Shades Generator
Generate shades for a color, ready-to-use for CSS, Tailwind, and more
Code Formatter
Format a code snippet into a readable form in JS, TS, HTML, and more
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