Format a code snippet with Prettier into a pretty form in JS, TS, HTML, and more
This tool uses Prettier to perform the formatting, and React Syntax Highlighter to render a nice result with syntax highlighting.
It currently supports:
If none of these are an exact match, it may be worth trying whatever is closest, as eg. the Javascript parser may be able to produce a suitable result.
I'll often come across a code snippet that I want to read through, but if it's in a bad format it's a pain to read. My usual go-to is to open VS Code, copy in the code, save the file to trigger an auto formatter, or install the necessary plugin. It's a hassle.
This project was made with some wonderful resources from around the web:
Color Converter
Convert color from any format to Hex, RGB, HSL, HSV, and more
Color Shades Generator
Generate shades for a color, ready-to-use for CSS, Tailwind, and more
Code Formatter
Format a code snippet into a readable form in JS, TS, HTML, and more
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